Thursday, 20 September 2012

Countdown: The Final Outcome

Here is the final outcome of the Countdown project! :)

The rationale:
People have many things they are anxious to countdown to. For me, as a true-blooded (lol) KPOP fangirl, I hate counting down to the ad that appears before YouTube video that require you to wait for 5 seconds before skipping it. Thus the outcome of this project... I was trying to draw me in a rage-mode, my inner reaction about the YouTube ad countdown. 8D

I did the sketch using a black pen and copic marker, before scanning the drawing and adding more colours by using Airbrush in Adobe Photoshop CS5.

Overall this project is pretty fun. :)

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Lasalle X Curtin: The Final Outcome & Reflection

The final outcome for the Curtin project Yohana and I were working on can be found here:

It has been really fun working on this project, from going around taking photographs, planning for microsite structure, and also discussing with Yohana and sharing experiences with Alfo. Overall I feel that this project is pretty meaningful. I get to see the different culture and different light about Curtin university. I hope that in future there will be more collaboration projects like this.

Lastly I would like to credit Yohana for her awesome graphic skills, as she was in charge of the interface design and most of the layout for our prints. Without her I would really have a hard time doing the project and she has been nothing but helpful throughout the whole time.

With this, is the closure of our Lasalle X Curtin project. :)

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Countdown: The process

Just an update since I was drawing the Countdown response. Basically I decided to draw out my reaction when I am 'counting down' to the seconds so I can skip an online ad before a YouTube video. Lols.

Still not done coloring it since I don't have my coloring tools with me. But the idea's there right? 8D I thought it's kinda funny though LOL /self-entertain

Shall continue doing it. Will post again when I'm done with it! ^^

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Lasalle X Curtin: Update from Alfo & more about Curtin

After the last time he shared his idea with us, I asked him if he could share more about Curtin University. On Sept 11, he replied to share more about the school.

I have yet to share more about Lasalle, but I will do it some time later today :)

Monday, 10 September 2012

Lasalle X Curtin: The update

Just an update from Alfo! :)
*Continues doing my Digital Scamps*

Studio: Ideas (Part 2)

Artease Ideas

Just a few scamps I did for Artease since I didn't have time to sketch them previously. :)

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Studio: Ideas (Part 1)

To be honest, I didn't have a lot of time to do up the ideas, so this is not the finalized ideas at all. These are just a few scamps (part 1) that I did to come up with the final scamp idea.

The ideas for X-MINI:

The ideas for TOM N TOMS Coffee:

The ideas for Ritter Sport:

Here are some comments from my classmate and Shanon (my studio lecturer): 

As of now I am still thinking of more ideas for my last brand (Artease) and more ideas for each brand. Will update again once I'm done! :)

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Lasalle X Curtin: Progress & VLOG~

Following up my previous post on the Lasalle X Curtin Exchange program, here is a vlog update! :D

Here is the FB chat between Alfred and our group (Yohana and I):

I mentioned this on my previous entry, but for convenience sake:
Alfred's Flickr | Yohana's Flickr | My Photobucket

Alfo's concept is really unique; in the sense that it is very personal of his. It feels very much like a peek into his life, and I think the idea is quite creative. However, he hasn't told us about his final outcome so it's still too early to give him comments (I did ask him a few questions though ^^;;)

ANYWAY. Here is the scan of the site-map and planning I drew for the microsite Yohana and I are working on:

You'd notice that I contemplated between separating 'Arab Street' and 'Haji Lane' to two separated pages or not. Well, both places are really near each other but have different vibe. Plus we took really loads of photographs from each places. After much consideration, both Yohana and I decided to make 'Haji Lane' as a sub-page for 'Arab Street'. :)

As I mentioned in my previous post, Yohana was the one who did the interface. (Actually, these scans were done before she did the interface design, but my scanner went bonkers so I could only post them now... T_T;;) Right now I'm in the midst of coding the microsite. I am doing it using Adobe Flash CS5. :)

Okay, I shall end the update here for now. Post again when I'm done coding!

Monday, 3 September 2012

The Countdown Project: Responses

Hi everyone!

A big thank you for people who responded to my vlog on YouTube and also Twitter.
Here are the responses I got:

(From YouTube)

(From Twitter)

(From another site I posted the vlog onto - Asianfanfics)

Really thank you for the inputs! Hahaha I realize that I have lots of friends on my Timeline who loves KPOP as well. xD

I have decided to do a comic strip relating to YouTube ads and a KPOP group comeback.
I shall update again once I do the first rough sketch of it! :)

Studio: TOM N TOMS Coffee Creative Brief

Design Issue 1


Val TNT CreativeBrief

Studio: Ritter Sport Creative Brief

Design issue 2

Ritter Sport

Val RitterSpot CreativeBrief